Bmw 2002 tii

picture of Bmw 2002 tii, vintage model sports bmw

Bmw 2002 tii

Accordingly, some experts were skeptical and not a few dealers.Bmw 2002 tii. Order levels for the powerful sports sedan, however, quickly surpassed the wildest expectations in 1967 reached 38 572 units of 1600-2 with the production levels of the four-door New Class. BMW had brought a boom in sales growth, defying the world at the time of the Munich-based economic recession and consummate the acquisition of archrival Dingolfinger glass easier. Bmw 2002 tii.Its sporty compact station wagon in 1304 from 1971 in the CL was fast hatchbacks 1600-2000 Bmw 2002 tii. touring a worthy successor, but found in only three years 52 000 buyers. Bmw 2002 tii.
Bmw 2002 tii, classic bmw model, 2002 tii version bmw

Bmw 2002 tii tunned model

Very different was the volume of the 1968 best-selling BMW unveiled 2002nd 330 212 units of this type were in seven years from the tape, which was one in five sold in the United States - an unprecedented success so far. The impressive 100 horsepower developed in 2002 immediately became the most popular type among the sporting BMW Zweit?rern. Bmw 2002 tii.Already legendary for production times, the performance-enhanced 2002 versions ti tii turbo and, because otherwise there was hardly anywhere family-friendly four-seater with large luggage space and the performance and handling characteristics of real sports cars.Bmw 2002 tii.
picture of rally car, Bmw 2002 tii, racing car

Bmw 2002 tii drifting

Amazingly, the subtle-flyers were ti (from 1968) with double carburetors and tii with "injection" fuel injection (1971).Bmw 2002 tii. But the model name at the tail pointed to the superior performance figures of 120 hp and 130 hp, which met in an easy 940-990 pounds and thus allow clear acceleration tests in contemporary times of under nine seconds for the sprint from zero to one hundredth More power offered in the early 1970s, not even the Porsche 911 T.
Bmw 2002 tii, classic model bmw, oldtimer bmw 2002tii

Bmw 2002 tii

Not surprisingly, therefore, that the 2002 BMW successfully from the start in circuit racing set in and already the second round of the European Touring Car competition from Porsche and Alfa Romeo was at a distance. Even the first season was crowned with the BMW Championship title, so that more and more private racing teams relied on the superior two-liter. Bmw 2002 tii.Now it was the lead over the competition to keep reloading.
interior picture of Bmw 2002 tii, classic bmw interior, 2002tii model bmw from inside

Bmw 2002 tii inside view

BMW says the legendary racing manager Alex von Falkenhausen decided in December 1968: "Now we do a turbo on it" - the prelude to the later development of BMW's Formula 1 World Champion Motors. Even Formula 1 engineer Paul Rosche was involved in the turbo project, which was charging the 2002 naturally aspirated engine to 280 hp. Bmw 2002 tii.To get so much power to the road, the 2002 ti now waiting with huge tires and Formula 2 according widened wheel arches on - a hallmark of Munich on strong. Reward the effort was successful title defense in the season 1969th
Visually similar to an impressive was the first mass European car with exhaust turbocharger, which in 1973 presented at the IAA 2002 turbo with 170 hp. Unique, but highly controversial feature of the exclusively in white and silver, 210 km / h highway wipe was on the front spoiler mounted in mirror writing "turbo 2002".After the onset of the first oil crisis and panic imposed speed limits, Bayern is waiving this provocation. However, this could change anything because the first turbocharged BMW was stopped after a few months and only 1672 units over - to much was the price of including more than 20,000 marks.