1958 BMW Isetta 300

Picture of BMW Isetta 300, Painted in M-power color

BMW Isetta 300

The original producer of the Isetta, the company was at ISO in Bresso - Milan. ISO Isetta sold not only as a finished product - but also worked to much with the licensee.
picture of vintage car,  BMW Isetta 300, retro car

BMW Isetta 300

The company BMW - Germany, Romi in Brazil and in France acquired the Velam - license directly from ISO, BMW sold them a license to the newly - established company "Isetta of Great Britain". All of these companies exhibited - the Isetta in her own variations.
picture of 3-wheels car,  BMW Isetta 300

BMW Isetta 300

This leads to the enormous - variety of types of lsetta models. - One of the rarest models are the 3-wheel models with the larger 300 cc engine and 13 hp and a mileage of 85 km / h. -
picture of red,  BMW Isetta 300, retro car

BMW Isetta 300

The model we offer is such a rarity. - It is complete, but needs a restoration, because it was the last 25 years in a dry garage of a collector and was not moved. Before the new start-motor etc. should be rinsed and gently brought back to life.