Austin Mini

picture of red colored city car-Austin Mini

Austin Mini in Red Color

Dissatisfied with the dominance of jerry-built «bubble cars» («machine-bubbles") on British roads, mostly German assembly, the Lord decided it needed a noteworthy domestic car. He commissioned the development of a new machine Alec Issigonis (Alec Issigonis), an Englishman of Greek descent, who had long established himself as car builder  and even Rider. He was given the task to construct a four-seats, whose size would not exceed 3 ? 1,2 ? 1,2 m, the length of the passenger compartment should be 1,8 m. Equip this baby needed to the existing 4-cylinder engine from the model of Austin A35
Retro model car, Austin Mini classic model

Austin Mini

To meet these requirements, Issigonis went to a revolutionary step. The new model had a front-wheel drive, a motor located across the body - this scheme would become common on front wheel drive cars. Transmission makers crammed into the crankcase, and radiator are not put in front of the engine, and at his side. In this position, the radiator is blown by a stream of air, already passed by the motor and had time to warm up, but the length of the machine remains within established limits. In the miniature car quietly climbed 4 people, and even left room for luggage.
Picture of retro model mini, Austin Mini roadster, Austin Mini cabriolet

Austin Mini Cabrio

The tiny 10-inch wheels are allowed to get rid of the large wheel arches. Finally, for the sake of brevity conventional springs were replaced with conical rubber blocks. The design of the machine allowed to ride with an open trunk, thereby increasing the volume of transported cargo. Design features have also been external welds and open the hinges, which lowered production costs. The first prototype was ready by October 1957
picture of classic British model-Austin Mini, Retro model Mini

Austin Mini

However, sales began in August 1959, and a new minicar was not called Mini. It is sold under the name of Austin 7 (the traditional name for the smallest Austin since 20-ies), or as Morris Mini Minor. Title Mini has appeared only in 1961. We can not say that the model became an instant bestseller, but over time it has gained popularity, becoming the English the same than for the rest of the world was "Beetle". They even say what this machine was inspired by the fashion designer Mary Quant (Mary Quant), invented the mini-skirt
picture of stylish retro car, Austin Mini, luxury small car Mini, vintage model of Mini

Austin Mini Sports model

Mini was produced in various species. There were wagons with wood trim, called the Morris Mini Traveller and Austin Mini Countryman. There were vans and pick-up by a quarter of a ton. There was even a Jeep »Mini Moke, developed for the Army, but with their tiny wheels and without all-wheel drive turned out to be unfit for military affairs, but got enough popularity as a beach car.
Small retro car, Austin Mini, Mini-classic retro car, Vintage model british car Mini

Austin Mini

In accordance with the practice of badge engineering got its Mini brand more upmarket Riley and Wolseley - these machines were sold as the Riley Elf and Wolseley Hornet, and had a protruding hood and front end design in the style of these brands. There were also licensed Mini: in 1965 they released an Italian company Innocenti, was under the control of the BMC, and even Mini collected, even in such distant countries as Chile and Uruguay
Austin Mini on the beach, small rerto car, stylish model of MINI
Legendary British Mini car in its appearance owes much to Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser (Gamil Abdel Naser), who in 1956 nationalized the Suez Canal. As a result of the ensuing war in the Middle East oil supplies to Britain declined sharply - so much so that the gasoline had to introduce the card. This provoked a surge of interest in the minicar than decided to take the Lord Leonard (Leonard Lord), while the head of the concern British Motor Corporation. BMC - created in 1952 by the union, which consisted of such famous brands such as Austin, Morris, Wolseley, Riley and MG.